Your AUPE Membership Card must be presented when picking up Tickets
You must state where you live. What Local and Chapter you belong to! If you are not sure of this call the Resource Centre at 780-930-3300 for assistance.
Please DO NOT contact us from your Work Email
Advanced Notice must be given when purchasing tickets
Cineplex Movie Tickets
(click for poster)
No expiry if used within Alberta
- $10 each, Cash Only!
For AUPE members outside of EAC $13.15
Landmark Movie Tickets
(click for poster)
$10 each, Cash Only!
No expiry if used within Alberta
For AUPE members outside of EAC $13.15
Note: WEM Waterpark & Galaxyland tickets are no longer available
Area Council Reps Selling Tickets
Tickets are exclusive to AUPE members only!
Please note: Ticket reps are volunteers and should only be contacted between the hours of 9 am and 8 pm.
We follow the AUPE Statement of Equality and any unprofessional conduct is prohibited.
Please scroll Left or Right to view the full table